"I'll tell you one thing, it's always better when we're together."
-Jack Johnson

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Garden

Matt keeps asking me if I've blogged about the garden yet, I figured I should since he's offering up a blog post. :)  Anyways, we thought we'd try our hand at a garden this summer since we've been talking about it since we moved into this house.  Matt bought the supplies and built a slightly raised bed in the corner of our backyard, which is about the only place that gets full sun.  We decided to plant a variety of vegetables I read were "easy to grow", which included spinach, carrots, onions, peppers, cucumbers, and beans. 

Not happy to be weeding!

 The planting began the week before Maci was born...we needed something to distract us from the waiting.  Maci arrived and Matt continued watering the garden, but neither of us had much time or ambition to weed the garden.  This is how it looked a week ago. :(

Walter enjoying a taste of our carrots.

This is our first garden, so I was finding it very difficult to tell the difference between weeds and plants.   Many things were looking the same with no indication of any vegetables.  I finished weeding and harvested all the spinach and we were pretty happy with the results of our first fresh salad for a few days!

Weeding Complete! (Lots of helicopters still.)

Fresh spinach salad.

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